Identity Theft News Alert Information


AS SEEN ON: NBC's  "Celebrity Apprentice"

NBC's "The Today Show" 


Statistic: 33,627,587 records containing

sensitive information were involved

 in security breaches in 2008. Source:


"The name and Social Security Number information used by identity

thieves to commit refund or employment fraud are typically stolen from sources beyond the control of IRS. "

 - James R. White, U.S. GAO Office, September 8, 2009 

FACT: "There are 10 million identity theft victims each year"

FACT:"The IRS’s ability to detect and catalog current identity theft

 incidents is limited and the amount that goes undetected is not known" 

- U.S. Government Accountability Office Report 9/09 (see link after news alert)

FACT: "Identity theft is more difficult to correct than credit card theft."

This identity theft news alert offer information for consumers to have more awareness about identity theft.


News Alert: The Challenge of Recovering from Identity Theft

Read more below....


Todd Davis is CEO of LifeLock. He is so confident with his product he

 shares his own social security number in national advertising campaigns.

For less than $.28 a day you can protect your identity:

Signup to Fight ID Thieves With LifeLock.
Enroll Now.


 "Approximately 90 percent of fraudulently claimed refunds were

stopped in 2008 with about $15 million issued before the IRS

became aware of the fraud. ...(the) IRS is often unable to detect

suspicious cases until well after the fraud occurred. "

Source:IRS Government Accountability Office Report to

Congressional Requesters (10/09)

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Marilyn S. Says

My computer was hacked and identify theft protection alerted me to the fact that someone was

trying to be me in India! Having this protection in place saved me time and money.


Franiebee2 Says:

There is nothing like peace of mind. Following the above steps makes total sense in the grand scheme of things.

Jetblu3 Says:

I saw a commercial with the CEO's social security card and thought he was nuts. Then I realized how

 much faith he had in his product and signed up.

Fidollog Says

I work in customer service for a major credit card company. I speak to people who have been robbed

of their identity and the ones with id protection are always the ones who are most calm. It makes their

 life and my job easier.

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LifeLock Identity Theft Protection

What is the difference between credit card

theft and identity theft?

Credit card theft is when someone steals             your credit card and runs up charges. A lot

of the time this happens even when the

cardholder has not lost the card or had it

stolen. Typically, credit card companies

will remove the fraudulent charges completely and your liability is limited to $50 in any event.

Identity theft is when someone steals

 your personal information (social security

number, date of birth, name, etc.) and

uses it to open a new line of credit, gain employment or even false identification.

This is usually much more difficult to correct.

Source: LifeLock

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